Contact, Collaborate, Register Your Project

Please fill out the form below to contact, initiate a collaboration, or to register a project with Planet Alpha Corp.

We will review your request and contact you within 24 hours. If you are registering a project we will invite you and your colleagues to join an introductory call to discuss a potential project.  A Memorandum of Understanding, a Project Listing Application, and a Project Management Plan are typically required to initiate a project. Note: Select “DNA” for fields that do not apply to your request.

    Planet Alpha Labs Entrepreneur
    I am a Planet Labs EntrepreneurI am not a Planet Labs EntrepreneurI am interested in being a Planet Labs EntrepreneurDNA

    IndividualPrivate InstitutionGovernmental EntityNon-Governmental OrganizationPublic CorporationPrivate CorporationOtherDNA

    Collaboration Type
    Field workLaboratory AnalysisData AnalysisInstrumentation and or prototypeBiodiversity studiesEndangered speciesGeological studiesPlant physiology studiesProject FinanceUnmanned Aerial SystemsGenetic Studies flora/faunaSoil genetic studiesGrant writingCost sharingPreparation of manuscriptsEco TourismHealth CareWASHNutritionOtherDNA

    Check all That Apply
    Individual LandownerRepresentative of LandownerCommercial Agent for LandownerProject Manager for LandownerResearcher in the Area of Carbon SequestrationBuyer of Carbon Offsets (Voluntary)Buyer of Carbon Offsets (Compliance)Seller of Carbon Offsets (Voluntary)Seller of Carbon Offsets (Compliance)Financial servicesOther

    Current Status
    [checkbox* checkbox-91 "Would Like to Propose Project " "Have Pending Project for Consideration" "Have Project Underway " "Transfer Project from Existing Program to PAC" Technical Plan Collaboration" "Other"]

    Project Area
    < 100 Hectares< 1000 Hectares< 10,000 Hectares< 100,000 Hectares< 1,000,000 Hectares< 2,000,000 Hectares< 5,000,000 Hectares> 5,000,000 HectaresDNA

    Project Land

    Financial Interest

    Project Type
    ReforestationImproved Forest ManagementAvoided DeforestationWood Products / TimberAfforestationAgroforestryTree PlantationReal Estate Investment TrustPure ConservationBiodiversity LinkedIndigenous Peoples LinkedCommunity Development LinkedLand Rights LinkedNGO LinkedPrivate Land LinkedFoundation LinkedIndustry LinkedResearch LinkedLand Reclamation LinkedOtherDNA

    Project Period
    10 Years (Minimum)20 Years30 Years40 Years50 Years50+ YearsDNA

    Analyzers Needed For GMP